Is Eudoxie Yao, charges 20 million for a night?

The Ivorian heavyweight jet-setter, Eudoxie Yao, is said to be very angry with some people, who accuse her of engaging in commercial sex for FCFA 20 million a night. However, she admits to having received an offer to do so, but she refused.

The rumor is circulating on social networks that Eudoxie Yao is indeed a luxury commercial whore. That a night in the arms of the beautiful Ivorian would cost the sum of 20 million FCFA. Information to which the person concerned wanted to clarify the details.

On her social media handle, the self-acclaimed biggest hip in Africa claimed that “There’s a rumor going around again that to spend the night with me you have to pay the sum of 20 MILLION”.

“It’s not true I’ve never said such a thing, and I don’t prostitution,” she sounds. Clarifying that “a few years ago in my celebrity debut Top face magazine did an interview with me with the Journalist Charlie the legend he asked if I’ve ever had an indecent proposal. And if so how much it was I have replied that I have several indecent proposals and that I have been offered 20 million but I refused”, she wrote on her Facebook and Instagram pages.

Often in demand around the world, Eudoxie Yao is always between planes. Many observers don’t understand the reasons for her multiple “go bobaraba” trips.

After having decided to embark on the show biz, the “wife” of the Guinean star “Grand P3” is suspected by Internet users of using the song to camouflage activities that are not Catholic.

“So I don’t understand why people keep dirty my image on this story saying it takes 20 million to date me. I’m telling you my babies be very careful what people say about me because they put everything into works to try to dirty my reputation,” she concludes on her Facebook and Instagram pages.

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