Is it possible to get a tattoo during lactation?

Oddly enough, there are no blind randomized studies on the effect of tattooing on a woman’s body during breastfeeding. Domestic doctors recommend postponing such procedures just in case. In contrast, their colleagues from countries with evidence-based medicine argue that these two processes do not have a physiological relationship between them.

Therefore, the objectively existing answer for today is that a woman decides on her own. We have collected all the pros and cons of whether it is possible to get a tattoo during lactating.

Why tattoos are dangerous when br*astfeeding:

Contraindications to the procedure

If breastfeeding itself is not objectively considered a contraindication to the tattooing procedure, then it is categorically not recommended to do it in some conditions.

The professional will refuse a nursing woman:

A history of allergic reactions is a relative contraindication: a woman will be offered individual skin tests for pigments.

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