Is separation a loss or a relief?

The only certain thing is that the earth will never stop spinning… so don’t stop dreaming either! Whether breakup ends as loss or relief both partners feel emptiness.
The first feeling that almost everyone experiences when their relationship ends is… emptiness. Of course, for some, the end of a relationship is a relief. But even in these cases, it is not easy to handle the persistent and “confusing” feelings that arise.
We invest a huge part of ourselves in our relationships, and when we are forced to cut the ties that bind us together, we realize how difficult it is. Even if you weren’t very close in recent years with your partner, your worlds were intertwined. Separating those worlds is a particularly painful experience.
Consequently, instead of dealing with the finality of divorce, our fears and concerns develop a “defense mechanism” behind which we barricade ourselves, thus avoiding dealing with our feelings.