Judge rules: Johnny Depp can try again to prove Amber Heard lied during trial

Amber Heard (35) has to prove that she has donated the 7 million dollars she received after the divorce from Johnny Depp (57) to charity. That’s what Johnny asked the judge, and he’s now proved right. Depp hopes that this will prove that Amber repeatedly lied during the trial.
Depp wants to question his ex-wife’s credibility. She testified against him in a lawsuit he filed against the British newspaper The Sun. But to convince the court, Johnny must first prove that Amber lied at least once during the trial.
He hopes to do this by showing that Amber did not donate the $7 million she received after their divorce to a charity. Amber testified under oath that she did: “She donated the entire $7 million to charity, that’s not exactly a move you would expect from a so-called golddigger?”, quoted her lawyer as an argument.
The America Civil Liberties Union, one of the charities in question, has so far refused to reveal whether they received any amount from Heard. Johnny asked the judge to oblige the organization to disclose their data, and he was right.
Heard also claimed that she donated half of the amount to a children’s hospital: Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. According to research by local newspapers, however, only 85,000 would have ended up at the hospital.
Depp lost his lawsuit against The Sun, but if it turns out that Amber did indeed lie about her donations, Depp could win a similar lawsuit in the US state of Virginia.
There he is at odds with a newspaper that published an incriminating article about him: he was accused of domestic violence against Amber. It cost him his job as Jack Sparrow in the famous ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movies. Depp wants to restore his reputation at any cost so he can rebuild his career.