Lady takes drugs, exposes her “oranges” for iPhone X

An Unidentified young lady got into the online trend for the wrong reason after she made extra efforts to get an iPhone X that had been falsely promised to her by guys in the Sagamu area of Ogun State.

According to the Facebook user who published the report of the incident, she was promised an iPhone X, with one condition, to take drugs.

We can see the lady who wanted the phone in the wrong condition, taking hard substances and showing her boobs in public before falling asleep later, after gaining height.

Although she knew she was filmed, it did not bother her because she was concentrating on the “reward” that she was not given, according to the poster.

Videos that have become viral online – have sparked different reactions among Nigerian netizens – some blaming the lady for selling herself so cheaply just for a phone, while others have criticized these people for compelling the lady to do it and to have benefited from it.

Scene below:

Lady takes drugs, exposes her "oranges" for iPhone X
Lady takes drugs, exposes her "oranges" for iPhone X
Lady takes drugs, exposes her "oranges" for iPhone X
Lady takes drugs, exposes her "oranges" for iPhone X
Lady takes drugs, exposes her "oranges" for iPhone X

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