Lindsay Lohan releases new music (and that’s how it sounds)

We have had to wait 11 years for it, but Lindsay Lohan (33) has new music ready. The actress played a podcast in Dubai for thirty seconds of the song “Xanax.”

Presenter Kris Fade informed us that the song is about “feelings of fear and pressure and how to take good care of yourself”.

According to him, the new single will be released “very, very soon”. In the foretaste, the 33-year-old seems to be singing the addictive tranquilizer Xanax: “I try to stay away from you, but you make me high. I can make one more trip, just tonight.”

Lohan, who is best known as an actress, first released an album in 2004, ‘Speak’. The album achieved platinum status. A year later ‘A Little More Personal (Raw)’ followed, for which the actress received a golden record. In 2008 her latest single “Bossy” was released, which was less of a success.

In June of this year, Lohan shared two photos via Instagram showing that she is in the studio to tune in new songs. The result of those recording sessions can now be heard.
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