Looking for a job? Multilingualism is a tremendous asset

Perché sei il miglior candidato per questa posizione? Do you already shiver when reading this sentence? Then the jobs below are probably not for you. Unless, of course, you improve your language skills.
There are many good reasons for Multilingualism, not least because many jobs require it. Jobs require specific language skills in many countries.
Globalization continues unabated, and more companies are also looking for it internationally, or at least across the language border. The days when you only had to master your languages as a translator, interpreter, diplomat, or teacher are over. Multilingualism is a must for a wide variety of positions.
Besides, speaking two languages are imperative as a working language in any country: general and one international language. Knowledge of these languages is also required in some of the vacancies.
In practice, ‘knowledge’ of those languages boils down to: you must be able to express yourself fluently conversational, read perfectly comprehensively, and in some cases, you must also be able to manage in writing.
Jobs including language skills
If you want to work in the marketing department, you probably won’t get away with your camping French, English, Spanish, etc. After all, you try to make your employer’s product as known as possible and to conquer a maximum market share.
The reverse is also legion. If you work for one of the many multinationals active companies, you will have to speak more than a bit of French/English in your job performance. This applies in particular to those who act as a sales representative, but certainly also to anyone who holds a management position.
As a manager in an international company, you simply cannot make it only to speak one language. The language of international trade is English, but imports/exports may include China, and Latin America are also growing. So if you speak Mandarin, Spanish or Portuguese, you definitely have an edge when your company operates in the relevant region.
Due to the increasing exchange between different countries, the demand for multilingual logistics employees is also increasing. In this position, you are the link between the various actors who together ensure that a product reaches its final destination. You are in contact with suppliers, transporters, and customers of various nationalities. Language skills are essential to ensure smooth communication with everyone.
It goes without saying that a knack for languages for a job in tourism and hospitality is extremely useful. For example, if you, as a hotel employee, want to welcome tourists or as a guide showing visitors from all over the world, your employer will require that you speak at least fluent French and English. There are also German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Italian languages to master as a guide or tour leader.
A final job where your chances are skyrocketing with the number of different languages you speak is that of a customer service employee. According to research, growing e-commerce not only increases the demand for French and English-speaking customer service employees. Knowledge of Spanish, Chinese, and German is also increasingly a requirement.