Millionaire/stinkfruit grower offers money to who will marry his daughter

A Thai grower of durians – a prickly fruit that smells like rotting cadavers and sewage water – offers almost 280,000 euros to a man who wants to marry his 26-year-old daughter and wants to take over his business. According to multimillionaire Arnon Rodthong (58), no potential son-in-law has responded to his call on Facebook.

The family business of Rodthong is according to Thai media the largest in the country. Approximately 50 tons of the smelling fruits are traded annually, mainly to China. The business runs like a train, but because of the penetrating air it succeeds the descendants of the grower but not to find a life partner. That is why the entrepreneur decided – without consulting his daughter beforehand – to put her in the shop window all over the world.

In Thailand, it is customary for future spouses to pay a high sum of money to the bride’s parents: the dowry. The grower in question is prepared to pay for this compulsory traditional gift from his own pocket. With this, he hopes to persuade men to join it with his university-educated daughter.

Millionaire/stinkfruit grower offers money to who will marry his daughter

Karnsita, the daughter, speaks fluent English, Chinese and of course Thai and has been in the management of the nursery in recent years. The young woman told Thai media that her father’s action was ‘funny’. She hopes that she will eventually receive the gift from her wealthy father when she finds her husband. She does not want to invest that money in the lucrative durar trade but in an expensive cosmetic operation for herself.

“As soon as I have a son-in-law, I will give everything to him,” Arnon Rodthong

“Hard worker”

The father makes demands on a man who wants to live with Karnsita and also always on the dirt farm. “I do not want a highly educated son-in-law or someone who is philosophical. I do want a diligent person who can work hard, take over my business and start running from now on. A positive attitude is actually everything I ask,” says a hopeful Arnon Rodthong. “As soon as I have a son-in-law, I will give everything to him.”

Remarkably enough, the bride, whether future or not, has two older brothers. According to their father, they would not be interested to take over the company for varying reasons. Thai media also state that the son-in-law must have a very strong stomach. “Karnsita is stunning, but the air on the nursery is not to harden.”

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