Moesha Boduong, the Kim Kardashian of Ghana

Famous Ghanaian socialite and actress Moesha Boduong claims she is the Ghanaian version of Hollywood star Kim Kardashian due to her butt lift and the fact that she influenced other stars who emulated her by performing liposuction.

This operation would have cost her no less than 10,000 dollars. “I am Kim Kardashian from Ghana,” she said.

Moesha Boduong said that she had influenced many celebrities and young women to achieve perfect bodies through facelifts. “Everything I do influences them, and they love it,” it sounds.

“If they don’t equate it w ith fake, it assumes that things don’t look perfect because everything that is perfect is wrong. Liposuction looks good on me, and I know it,” the actress said.

Moesha continued, “I know I have motivated a lot of women to do this. I have helped a lot of women with liposuction, but as a matter of principle, I just don’t mention their names, especially since most of them are celebrities.”

“However, the results differ from person to person. I always say that you need a shape to make it perfect,” she concluded.

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