Monkey happily took different selfies from a stolen phone

A monkey has been happily taking selfies and photos with a phone stolen from the room of a Malaysian student. At least, that’s what the young man claims, who found the device in the jungle behind his house a day after its disappearance.

Zackrydz Rodzi posted the photos – including footage of a monkey apparently trying to eat the phone – on his Twitter account. He suspects that the monkey ran off with his phone while he was sleeping.

When the 20-year-old young man woke up around 11 a.m. on Saturday morning, he said that his phone had disappeared.

“There was no evidence of a burglary. All I could think about was some form of sorcery,” he told the BBC.

A day later, his father noticed a monkey near their house. When Zackrydz’s brother tried to call his phone again, the student heard the phone ring from the jungle behind their yard. Then he found the phone covered in the mud under some leaves under a palm tree.

Monkey happily took different selfies from a stolen phone
©Twitter @Zackrydz Zackrydz found this photo on his phone.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that the monkey had apparently activated the camera button and took numerous pictures.

According to the student, it is to his knowledge the first time that a monkey has broken into a house in his neighborhood.

In other parts of the world, where monkeys live in or near urbanized areas, this happens more often. Zackrydz suspects the monkey may have entered the house through his brother’s window.

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