More protection for ten endangered species

At the 13th UN Conference on Migrating Animal Species (CMS) in Gandhinagar, India, better protection was granted to ten endangered species. The Asian elephant, among others, was added to the lists of animals that need better protection.

The Asian elephant, the jaguar, the Oceanic whitetip shark, and several birds – the Indian Bustard, the Bearded Bustard, the Little Bustard, and the Antipodean albatross – are on the organization’s Appendix I list. This list offers the strictest protection.

Asian elephant
Asian elephant
Indian Bustard
Indian Bustard

The Oerial, a wild sheep, the smooth hammerhead shark, and the rough shark are on the second most pressing list, Appendix II. It requires that countries work more closely together to protect those species.


Nearly 130 countries are represented at the CMS, including most countries in Europe, South America, and Africa. Notoriously absent are the US, China, and Russia.

Oceanic whitetip shark
antipodean albatross
Antipodean albatross

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