Nasty funny: funniest animal pictures of the year

The animal kingdom and humor, something far apart? Not at all, say the initiators of “The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards”. For the sixth time, they will award the prize for the funniest animal photo of the year.

With the snapshots, the British organization draws attention to the conservation of the fauna: funniest animal pictures. Due to the corona crisis, the closing date of the match has been extended by two months.

Nasty funny: funniest animal pictures of the year
©Manoj Shah – baby hippo tries to attract the attention of her mother

Photographers can send their submissions to until June 30. Some nominated funniest animal pictures have already been announced, such as the submission of Manoj Shah (see above).

She immortalized in Kenya how a baby hippo tries to attract the attention of her mother, although the latter needs some me-time. Enjoy the funniest photos below!

 Does this lion cub have anything in between in Tanzania? Then help from his boyfriend is more than welcome.
©Yarin Klein – Does this lion cub have anything in between in Tanzania? Then help from his boyfriend is more than welcome.
 This bear shouldn't take quarantine into account in Alaska, but that doesn't detract from the fact that exercise remains important.
©Janet Miles – This bear shouldn’t take quarantine into account in Alaska, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that exercise remains important.
This seal in the British Winterton-on-Sea seems to have lost its way, funniest animal pictures of the year
©Johan Siggesson – This seal in the British Winterton-on-Sea seems to have lost its way.
This lady is completely zen.
©Reynante – Martinez This lady is completely zen, also among the funniest animal pictures
These zebras in Kenya have a limp laugh.
©Tanvir Ali – These zebras in Kenya have a limp laugh.
Anthony Bucci This northern pygmy owl on Vancouver Island (Canada) has had a rough night, funniest animal pictures of the year
©Anthony Bucci – This northern pygmy owl on Vancouver Island (Canada) has had a rough night.
The black-masked lovebirds are lovebirds. Here they mainly resemble lovebirds.
©Thomas Grigoleit – The black-masked lovebirds are lovebirds. Here they mainly resemble lovebirds.
Did Mr deer have any love plans tonight? Then, Mrs. Deer, it smothers, with this naughty gesture in the bud. The photo was shot in Estonia.
©Alvin Tarkmees – Did Mr deer have any love plans tonight? Then, Mrs. Deer, it smothers, with this naughty gesture in the bud. The photo was shot in Estonia.

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