Painful: cheater put tattoo full of spelling mistakes to win wife’s trust

A man who has cheated with a prostitute, has tried to win back his wife by putting a huge tattoo on his stomach, in which he’s not only confesses guilt, but also admits being a ‘liar’, ‘manipulator’, ‘cheaters’ and to be an ‘unfair, disrespectful whore runner’.

The man, Jose L. Torres, from Houston in the US state of Texas, decided that the only way to let his wife know that he greatly regrets his adventure, to have his mistake immortalized on his own chest and abdominal area.

“I, Jose L. Torres, I am getting tattoo voluntarily on January 2, 2019 so that I can earn my wife’s trust back for the pain and suffering I have caused in our marriage,” reads the man’s chest. What follows is a list of bad qualities that the man admits to possess. “I am a liar, cheater, manipulator, deceiver, wore/prostitute lover, dishonest and disrespectful.”

Spelling mistakes

As if it is not all painful enough, there are several spelling mistakes in the tattoo. Thus, there is ‘deciever’ ‘(unfair, what ‘deceiver’ must be) and ‘disrespectul’ instead of ‘disrespectful’.

The tattoo artist who put the tattoo and shared the image on social media, one Jordi, apologizes that he only got the spelling errors after the tattoo was put in the text.

“Roughly ugly”

The tattoo and the man who had him put are meanwhile mercilessly slated on social media. “His wife probably does not want to be reminded every time that he is cheating when she sees him walking around without a t-shirt,” he says. “The money for that tattoo had gone better towards the divorce, which will eventually come,” says someone else. Others thought the tattoo is ‘ugly’ and Torres himself an ‘idiot’ to have him put….

New Zealand Herald
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