Post with explosives for Clintons and Obama’s intercepted

At a home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in a suburb of New York a bomb was found. There is also a bomb set intended for ex-President Barack Obama which was intercepted, according to various American media report today.
According to the media reports, the bomb was sent by post to the Democratic politicians. An employee who investigates the letters have found the explosive, writes ‘The New York Times’.
The authorities describe the object as “an improvised explosive object (IED)”. It is similar to the explosive discovered two days earlier at the house of Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros, known as an opponent of Trump. The explosive consists of a piece of pipe filled with an explosive substance. A special team has now exploded it.
Through his activism and Jewish background Soros is a beloved target of conservative and extreme right groups and a frequent subject of conspiracy theories. Like the Clintons, he lives in a suburb in northern New York. It is not yet clear whether there is a connection between the two events.
Source: AP, New York Times, Washington Post