Princess Shyngle and her alleged suicide saga

What started as a thought in one’s mind, degenerated into decision that will take one’s life. Suicide, one of the major problem and seems to be the next door after depression.

Princess Shyngle, who made headlines a few days ago about an alleged suicide attempt, finally broke the silence about the report that went viral.

Recall that it was reported, that the Gambian actress born in took overdosed medication and drank bleach. But was rescued by a neighbour, who took her urgently to Vedic Life Care Hospital in Lekki, Lagos of Nigeria.

According to reports, Shyngle was in the emergency room because she has been brought on critical condition. The doctors have managed to stabilize her for that moment, but her blood pressure was rising.


The actress, who had been recently interviewed, when she had mentioned that she had gone bankrupt at some point, after spending all her money to be beautiful for the people

. And that, it took the timely intervention of her parents to retrace her steps.

Gambian actress, Princess Shyngle’s suicidal thoughts were revealed for the first time, when she spoke in an interview with The Pulse in 2017, about how she easily endured the idea of committing suicide, especially when things did not seem to be right.


But the actress refuted the reports. And wrote on social media about her health status, adding that she has been “battling with depression.”

She wrote: “Thanks to everyone who showed me love and support these past few days… Contrary to what was posted in the news. I didn’t try to take my life… I have been opened about my battle with depression, I had a relapse and a nervous breakdown which landed me in the hospital. I never took anything, I am at the right place now and at a right time i will address and talk more about depression… depression is real.”

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