Pump attendant helps lady with simple gesture, now he’s $31,000 richer

Charity, it still exists: in Cape Town, a black pump attendant has shown his great heart by helping a female account manager out of need. Monet van Deventer wanted to have her car refueled but came to the conclusion that she had forgotten her money and bank cards at home. Because she just had to pass through a dangerous neighborhood, Nkosikho Mbele decided to pay the 100 South African Rand (6.79 United States Dollar) out of her own pocket.

The white young lady was so touched by his gesture that she began to raise money for her saving angel. The counter stopped at almost $31,000, an amount that the pump attendant would otherwise have had to work for eight years.

“I have done nothing special, only acted from the heart. For me, there’s no difference between white and black. We are all human beings and I am happy to do my bit to connect society,” says Mbele.

“Too dangerous on N2”

Deventer later returned to the gas station to personally repay its 100-South African Rand debt. “I stopped at Shell’s gas station, but couldn’t find my handbag. All my money and bank cards were still at home. I wanted to take the risk of getting home with the leftover gas, but Mbele didn’t want to know about it. “That is too dangerous on the N2,” he said.

“When he pulled out his own portfolio, I thought that was an incredible gesture. I wanted to give something back to him, that’s why I started a crowdfunding page for him. The support of both white and black South Africans was overwhelming. In the meantime, the campaign even had to be stopped, Nkosikho thought he was getting too much.”

New home and education for children

Mbele also feared for his own safety, now that he had suddenly become so rich. He, therefore, asked the BackaBuddy site not to pay him cash. He wants to use the money, among other things, to buy a house, pay bills and have his children go to school.

Pump attendant helps lady with simple gesture, now he's $31,000 richer
Mbele (pump attendant)

“She no longer had the money to continue her journey safely,” Mbele tells the story. “I know how dangerous that N2 can be. My faith in God whispered to me that I had to help her. I was just happy that she could drive on without any worries. Who would have thought that this would take my life so drastically?”


As a sidekick, his employer Shell added another $31, 000, which Mbele himself can allocate to charity. “I want to help young people, in particular, I want to make a difference for them. The Big Shell boss himself called me to congratulate me. As a thank you, I am now also allowed to attend a Shell conference in Zanzibar, where I stand a chance of winning the best employee award.”

“What happens to me now is incredible. In my neighborhood I am constantly stopped to take selfies, I look like a celebrity,” the pump attendant says.

Falling without petrol does entail risks in South Africa. Last month the young couple Johanco Fleischman (19) and Jessica Khun (23) were still shot when they were stranded on a highway bridge in Johannesburg.

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