Remarkable theft in Germany: 5700 bottles of Jägermeister disappeared

Thieves went to the German city of Braunschweig with 5,700 bottles of Jägermeister. The herbal liqueur with 35% alcohol is extremely popular with many winter sports enthusiasts. The police have no trace to the perpetrators yet.

Jägermeister is made in the German Wolfenbüttel, which is close to Braunschweig. It is in the port of that city that the bottles were on a trailer. They were packed in 950 packs of six bottles. The thieves not only took the bottles of liquor, but also the trailer. They were therefore provided with appropriate transport. The value of the stolen Jägermeister is about 50,000 euros.

Jägermeister is a popular drink during après-ski. Some skiers or snowboarders drink it with beer, others prefer the ‘Jägerbomb’. In it, a shot of the herbal drink is mixed with Red Bull.

Source: Braunschweiger Zeitung

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