Scarlett Johansson talks on adult videos that her image appeared

The actress Scarlett Johansson has surrendered to those who edit XXX material with her face. One of the assemblies already has more than 1.5 million views. Scarlett Johansson is the latest victim of a phenomenon known as deepfake, in which artificial intelligence software is used to create fake porn videos with the face of celebrities.
The face of the real protagonist is replaced by that of another known person. The edition makes it difficult to distinguish if the material is false or real. “Trying to protect yourself from the internet and your depravity is a lost cause,” Johansson said in an interview with WashingtonPost. “Nothing can prevent someone from cutting and pasting my image or someone else’s and placing it in a different body.”
A false XXX video of the actress has been reproduced more than 1.5 million times in one of the websites with most famous adult content on the network. The title in that film includes the name of the actress to attract netizens.
“People believe that they are protected by their internet passwords and that only public figures are hacked, but the truth is that there is no difference between someone hacking my account or the person behind me in the supermarket queue,” she pointed.
“Demeaning as it is, this does not affect me so much because people assume that I have not really been a part of a porn movie… From a legal point of view, I think that pursuing this is useless,” she said. “Unfortunately, there are many more disturbing things in the dark network than this,” she added.
It is not the first time that the actress, 34, is a victim of cybercriminals. In 2011, pictures of her appeared online naked. The hacker was sentenced to 10 years in prison.