Seriously injured woman asked agent: “a photo for my Instagram”

“Agent, would you like to take a photo for my Instagram? That will generate a lot of likes.” An earth-shattering question, and the request from an injured woman who had just been hit and had to be taken to the hospital.

A Dutch agent from the Zaanstreek zone, in the province of Noord-Holland, shared the striking request yesterday on Facebook. The agent was summoned for a “collision with injury”, it sounds on Facebook. A woman was hit on her moped and appeared to be “seriously injured”.

Urgent to the hospital

“I am driving to the scene of the accident with a screaming siren. An ambulance is already present,” the agent explains on Facebook. The man drops off an intersection with his service car and walks to the trafficking victim. “She is injured and must be transported urgently to the hospital,” he notes.

According to the booklet, the agent asks the young woman what happened and records her personal details. The victim is about to be carried into the ambulance, strapped on a stretcher when she makes her remarkable request. “Agent, my phone is in my right pocket.”

Seriously injured woman has special request: "photo for my Instagram"

The man initially suspects that the injured woman will ask her family to be notified, but she appears to have other priorities.

“Crazy world”

“Would you like to take a photo for my Instagram? That would generate a lot of likes.” The policeman did not respond to the request. The ambulance personnel also heard the question but looked away. “I looked at the young lady and wished her strength in the hospital and beyond.”

Stunned by the question, which came at a very inappropriate moment, the agent, after consulting colleagues, decided to share the story on Facebook. “Crazy world”, he summarized his experience. What injuries the lady suffered and what her condition, for now, did not become known.

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