She died; her father refused police to smash car window to save her

An American father (27) is in jail after the death of his one-year-old daughter in the desert city of Las Vegas. The child was stuck in a parked car on Monday afternoon. Sidney Deal did not want ripped-out agents to break the window to save the baby. He could not afford a new car window.
The twenties stated that the air conditioning was on, and the baby was just sleeping. In Las Vegas, the mercury still climbs well above thirty degrees during this period. When officers even broke the window, the child had already succumbed.
Just before that, Deal angrily left his girlfriend’s house and put his daughter in the car. He got ready to leave, started the car, but changed his mind. He went back into the house, where he argued for fifteen minutes.
Deal then walked back to his car. The door turned out to be locked. The car key was still on the ignition. He ordered his girlfriend to call the insurance company to let them know about the situation. The woman did as requested. The cost of sending a locksmith was apparently too much for the man. He asked his girlfriend to end the conversation.
Deal’s brother arrived on the scene, followed by the police. They tried to convince the man to smash the car window. Deal stubbornly refused to do so for a while. The agents still took action. The child had already died by then. It must have been in the hot car for about 45 minutes.
The twenties is in jail and was charged with two charges.