Smoking addiction: The effects and benefit of quitting smoking

One-quarter of the population aged 18 and over smokes. About three-quarters of smokers smoke daily. For example, most smokers suffer from smoking addiction and are addicted to cigarettes.

The primary addictive substance in tobacco is nicotine. Nicotine reaches the brain within seconds, after which the psychological effects can last up to 20 minutes. In addition to nicotine, other harmful substances are present in tobacco.

According to the researchers, many people who smoke are addicted to smoking, and 22.4% of the population. But what is meant by tobacco addiction, also called smoking addiction or nicotine addiction?

Habit of smoking

Tobacco contains nicotine, a substance that is highly addictive both physically and mentally. Because you get used to nicotine, you smoke more and more to achieve the same effect. Very soon, you are addicted to smoking, and you have a nicotine addiction.

If you light a cigarette regularly, even if only once a week, it will already be challenging to stay off cigarettes. Your body gets habituated to the nicotine and protests when you want to quit smoking.

In addition to nicotine, a cigarette also contains tar and carbon monoxide. Tar contains carcinogenic substances, which can cause lung cancer. Carbon monoxide allows the red blood cells to absorb less oxygen and transport it through your body. Breathing in other people’s smoke can also raise the risk of lung cancer.

In addition to smoking a cigarette, smoking also is done through:

  • Hookah
  • E-cigarette
  • Shisha pen

Addicted to smoking

There are several reasons that you are easily addicted to smoking:

  • Tobacco acts quickly and briefly
  • Your body gets used to nicotine right away
  • You get withdrawal symptoms if you don’t smoke
  • Nicotine addiction causes a great desire to smoke
  • Your brain links situations in which you smoke to the pleasant effect of smoking, so you automatically get hungry; in those situations.

Your brain changes through smoking, making you more likely to give in to it. Smoking addiction is different for everyone. Also, the withdrawal of nicotine addiction is not the same for everyone. Some people can quit all at once, and other people need several serious tries.

Smoking addiction is different for everyone. Also, the withdrawal of nicotine addiction is not the same for everyone. Some people can quit all at once, and other people need several serious tries.

When are you addicted to nicotine?

  • You feel like you need to smoke
  • You function better if you have smoked
  • You smoke to combat withdrawal symptoms
  • You have tried to quit smoking more often

Symptoms of the nicotine addiction

In addition to the symptoms of addiction, nicotine and other harmful substances in tobacco cause physical complaints, such as:

  1. Lung complaints and cough
  2. A deteriorated condition
  3. Raised blood pressure
  4. Higher risk of stroke
  5. Reduced sense of smell and taste

Additional disadvantages are lousy breath, deposits on your teeth, yellow fingers, smelly hair and clothing, and a smelly house.

Diseases from smoking

As indicated above, smoking can lead to various diseases and conditions. Common illnesses are:

  • Different types of cancer
  • Heart and vascular disease
  • Lung diseases
  • premature, low birth-weight babies
  • Reproductive effects in Women
  • Asthma
  • stroke
  • diabetes
  • Accelerated aging process.

A smoker’s aging process is faster than someone who doesn’t smoke. For instance:

  • Get quicker and more wrinkles
  • Gray complexion
  • Dull hair

Smoking withdrawal symptoms

An addiction to nicotine causes withdrawal symptoms if you do not smoke. Possible withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking:

  • Unrest
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Fear
  • Concentration problems
  • To sweat
  • Stuffy
  • Headache
  • Coughing fits
  • Stomach and intestinal disorders

You can also suffer from constipation and weight gain. Most physical withdrawal symptoms occur in the first period when you have just quit. Mental withdrawal symptoms generally last longer.

Physical benefits of quitting smoking

Quitting smoking has a positive effect on your physical health:

  • The heart rate and blood pressure return to an average of 20 minutes after stopping.
  • After 8 hours, the amount of carbon monoxide and nicotine is half less.
  • The quantity of oxygen in the blood has returned to normal. After one day, all carbon monoxide is out of the body.
  • The oxygen content of the blood improves. Especially people with severe COPD can notice this well. They can exert themselves more easily after quitting smoking than before.

Other benefits of quitting smoking

In addition to health effects, you also have money left over, have more energy, feel healthy, and have a sense of pride. In most cases, policyholders with a life insurance policy who have stopped smoking are eligible for a lower premium. Smokers pay more premium for their policy than non-smokers because of the increased risk of premature death.

Note* Always consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for any questions you may have about your health or condition. Never disregard a health care professional’s advice or delay getting it because of what you read on this website.
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