South Korean doctors report corona healing with blood plasma

South Korean doctors report that two people with severe complaints were cured of coronavirus after receiving blood plasma from other, restored corona patients. They describe that in an article in the Journal of Korean Medicine.

It was a 71-year-old man and a 67-year-old woman who both had to use the ventilator to survive. In both cases, their condition improved fairly quickly after plasma administration. The two patients received plasma with antibodies from male donors in their 20s who had been previously cured of the virus.

The condition of the 71-year-old man, according to the doctors’ story, already improved after a day. It took a little longer for the woman.

Physicians are also looking at blood plasma from healed people. Women cannot participate because an unwanted immune response to the antibodies may occur if they have ever been pregnant, knowingly or not.

Fewer lung injuries

In China, they started an experimental treatment based on the blood plasma of cured corona patients as early as February.

A pilot study involving ten patients and ten donors released the first results in mid-March, which were nothing short of positive. After only a few days, their fever, cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain disappeared or improved. In addition, their CT scans showed fewer lung injuries.

Last week, the U.S. health authority cleared FDA to work this out in the United States. A clinical study is also starting in France, and a study is underway in the Netherlands at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam.

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