Taliban threaten great war if US fails to honor peace truce

The Taliban have threatened another escalation in Afghanistan if the United States does not withdraw its troops. ‘If the Doha agreement is denounced, it will lead to a major war. The responsibility for that will rest entirely on the shoulders of America,’ he said.

Washington and the Taliban signed an agreement in Doha in February 2020. This includes the withdrawal of US and NATO forces by May 2021.

In return, the Taliban agreed not to attack the international peacekeeping force and prevent groups such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State from operating in Afghanistan.

In addition, negotiations were also started with the Afghan government.

However, an expert group in the United States is now advising President Joe Biden to postpone the withdrawal of the troops. This puts the agreement at risk.

“Still Violence”

Diplomats accuse the Taliban of failing to comply with the Doha Accord commitments. For example, the Taliban continue to use force and have still not entered into real negotiations with the Afghan government, it says.

At least 16 members of the pro-government forces were killed in a nighttime attack on a checkpoint today.

Just before Biden took office, the Americans withdrew 2,500 troops from Afghanistan. As a result, the troop base is at its lowest level since the start of the war in 2001.

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