The 5 questions you should never ask your boss

They say there are no stupid questions. But in the context of your relationship with your boss, there are some things you should avoid asking. Why; Because even in a cozy, working relationship, your boss is still superior professionally, and the impression he has on you and your job has an impact on important decisions about your success.

Of course, it is important to be honest, but it is also important to be careful about questions that could hurt your career.

Here are 5 questions you should never ask your boss (unless you want to risk your career).

Anything you can easily discover by yourself

Being proactive and taking the initiative is one way to impress your boss. But it is equally important to make his life easier.

So asking questions that you could easily learn on Google or someone else with far less responsibility can undermine your professional credibility.

Talk to your boss about higher-level goals and priorities or challenges that require his input (and have some possible answers and solutions’ already ready if you want to impress).

“How much do you make?”

Making your boss feel uncomfortable is not the best way to build a fruitful relationship. Instead, think of these as actions that you must take on a regular basis.

Become friends on Facebook

Need to be friends with your Facebook boss? There is a lot of discussion around this topic, and this is precisely why you should avoid being the one who started the invitation.

Being friends with your boss on social media is not necessarily bad; it all depends on the context and dynamics of the relationship. But it is safer to wait for friendship to be submitted to you.

“Would you like to go out on a date?”

It would not be realistic to ignore romance in the workplace. But such a relationship can sometimes not be the best (not to mention the fact that romantic manager-employee relationships are banned by many companies and could fire you right away). Just do not ask your boss to go out on a date.

“Are you sure?”

Yes, it’s great to bring constructive views to the table. Just make sure you do not openly undermine your boss. Asking the question: “Are you sure?” can mean a lack of trust in your boss’s judgment, and if you do it publicly, it can cost you in the future.

Instead, respectfully express your concerns and ask your boss for help. Your goal is to focus on facts and focus on common positive results.

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