How important is it to be honest about the reason for your dismissal?

If your employer fires you, he or she must have a valid reason for doing so. In the opposite case, if you submit your resignation yourself, you are not obliged to justify yourself.

Still, your manager will likely want to know why you are leaving. We propose and weigh up whether it is better to tell the truth, or to finish it off with an excuse.

On the scales

Of course, fair usually takes the longest, but since you’re leaving, it might not matter much, does it? The truth is sometimes hurtful or painful to communicate directly to your supervisor. Depending on the real reason for leaving, telling the truth will be more or less complicated.

Have you found the job of your dreams, and therefore say goodbye to your current employer, it would be rather strange to tinker with such a story. But if you leave the company, for example, because you think your boss is an insufferable loser, it is understandable that you do not report this flatly in that way.

So carefully consider for yourself what you will tell when you say goodbye and what you wisely keep silent about.

Disguising is allowed

To be honest, sometimes, play relief. By being open, you also limit the risk of being tempted by a possible counteroffer from your employer. Either way, think a step further and be aware of possible backlash. Because: what do you achieve if you tell your boss that you think he/she is a tight-fisted vulture or an unparalleled bully? In such a case, it would not hurt to disguise the truth a little in order to keep the peace.

To end on a positive note, no matter how bad the relationship between you and your colleagues and/or your boss was, it is simply better for your future career. If there is no argument, there is also little to stop you from asking for a reference. It can always come in handy for job applications.

Positive feedback

Hiding the harsh reality is, of course, also an option. All in all, you will undoubtedly do well to stay positive and emphasize what was good about your collaboration. Your near-ex-boss may ask if you can give them points for improvement.

In this case, too, think carefully about what really helps. How harsh must the criticism be, if you already slammed the door? In such cases, there is a good chance that you have raised your issues earlier; you can point out neutrally that you thought there was too little improvement in that area.

Still back

You never know what the future will bring, and you wouldn’t be the first to regret his/her dismissal after having a cold shower elsewhere. Or maybe sometime later you notice with a heavy heart that that dream job has become vacant with your former employer.

It is, therefore, smart not to be guided by emotions and not just burning bridges. Try to complete this chapter in a professional manner. Go for a mutually positive feeling and think of the networking opportunities that a good relationship with your former employer can also create in the future.

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