Things we need to stop romanticizing

The act of presenting a situation or phenomenon in an appealing and often even idealized form is known as romanticization. Romanticization is the desire of a person to do so. Film, literature, social networks, and common beliefs have a hand in this. On the other hand, it is time to stop holding such a view with regard to certain things.

1. The stress of work

It is a common misconception that individuals who put in extra hours and work seven days a week have a far better chance of achieving their goals than those who do not. But you shouldn’t idealize workaholics and careerists since they put their health at risk by subjecting themselves to an unbelievable amount of stress through their work habits.

And this can result in some unwelcome outcomes, such as disturbed sleep, a compromised immune system, feelings of depression, and a reduction in one’s ability to focus.

If you are experiencing such symptoms, generally functioning at work won’t be easy. As a result, you must make an effort to avoid overloading yourself. For this purpose, abilities in time management, making down to-do lists, taking breaks during the day, and getting sufficient rest after a challenging day will come in handy.

2. Past times

People tend to long for bygone eras that, in their minds, were superior to the modern way of life. And some even feel a sense of longing for times they never lived through.

No matter how captivating the historical movies and books you’ve seen or read may be, it would help if you didn’t fall into the trap of believing that life was inherently superior back then.

If we take off the romantic ideas we have about the time; you probably wouldn’t want to spend even a single day living as a princess during the middle ages. The same is true for any other point in time: in every location, there are undesirable aspects that could not have been prevented.

3. Unhealthy relationships

It is not unusual for problematic relationships to be portrayed in a romantic light in commercial movies. For instance, the characters are consistently at odds with one another but manage to maintain their relationship. Or, a guy with feelings for a female may be watching her from a distance but is too nervous about approaching her.

In actual life, it is highly unlikely that a relationship like this will result in a great deal of happiness. They will very certainly end up causing an injury or turning out to be a major letdown.

Separately, it is important to discuss the image of a “bad guy” who, at first, toys with feelings or pays the girl no attention at all but later falls in love with her and undergoes a profound transformation as a result of this love. Sadly, an occurrence like this is quite uncommon in the actual world.

4. Psychological problems

Mental diseases such as depression, bipolar disorder, or eating disorders are not “fashion accessories” but rather significant problems that must be addressed and treated. Nevertheless, many bloggers, movies, and works of literature continue to romanticize them.

Do not refer to feelings of anxiety as panic attacks, a foul mood as depression, and general exhaustion as just burnout. They do not possess any alluring or romantic qualities whatsoever.

5. Consuming alcohol and smoking

Characters going through bad patches frequently turn to vices like drinking and smoking in movies. Yes, and entertaining events are impossible to throw without them.

In addition, many well-known people do not hide their bad habits or addictions; instead, they walk around with a cigarette in one hand or a bottle of their preferred alcohol in the other.

Nevertheless, romanticizing these behaviors has many unintended repercussions.

To begin with, using them is not going to assist you in managing your feelings, and you can still have a good time at a party even without using them. However, they will result in considerable damage to one’s health.

Secondly, children and adolescents are vulnerable to the effects of idealized images that are ingrained in the culture. They have a desire to emulate their favorite fictional characters as well as their favorite celebrities. This results in the early onset of addiction, which is unquestionably detrimental to the individual.

6. Success

It is natural for members of society to feel pity for someone who does not own a home, drive a car, or have a family; such a person is a long way from achieving what is conventionally seen as a success. On the other hand, he can be content with what he presently possesses.

The more people idealize success as a collection of financial possessions and an absence of loneliness, the more dissatisfied they will be with their actual lives. In addition, everyone has a unique understanding of what constitutes success and achievement in their own lives. It is not possible to know for certain who should be regarded as fortunate and who should be regarded as unfortunate.

Just because your idea of well-being is different from that of another person does not give them any less valuable as a person. Everyone tends to think of other things as successes and achievements, which is one of the things that helps distinguish one person from another.

7. Pregnancy

You have undoubtedly watched movies or read internet articles claiming pregnancy is the most enjoyable time in a woman’s life. Or pictures of mothers who swiftly get back into shape after giving birth and who manage to make time for themselves and their interests daily.

Put an end to the pregnancy glorification and start talking more about how it really is. The woman and her partner are likely to experience a great deal of discomfort, illness, and anxiety due to it.

The more “beautiful photographs” people view, the less seriously they take this step, even though it is really important. In addition, males tend to believe this will take place because of the romanticized picture of a pregnant lady. When people’s expectations and the world’s experience are too far apart, this can lead to misunderstandings and disputes within families.

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