Tiwanaku civilization, one of the ancient world’s “Places of Power”

Tiwanaku civilization is the best-kept secret of human history’s most advanced civilization. It was inhabited by people who would later become known as the Incas.

This culture had already vanished when the Spaniards came, thus they did not find any remnants of it. Tiwanaku, however, was inexplicably deserted by its residents about the year 1100 despite the fact that its culture, architecture, and crafts were of a very high grade. Tiwanaku civilization served as the focus of religious pilgrimage throughout the continent.

Not only were some of the buildings created in various eras but they were also constructed by people from a variety of other planets. Scholars are of the opinion that Puma Punku belonged to the gods who were physically present on earth at the time the Tiwanaku civilization was constructed, while Tiwanaku was constructed for humanity.

Puma Punku
Puma Punku

In recent years, it has come to light that there are, in fact, two categories of structures: those that are referred to be “alien,” and those that are constructed by humans. Therefore, the Tiwanaku civilization was a site established by humanity, where people came to recall a period when something significant had occurred in Puma Punku and where they gathered together to do so. In other words, an encounter with ancient extraterrestrials. But where exactly may we find the data that supports this theory?

A subterranean temple was discovered and excavated by Bolivian officials in the 1960s in Tiwanaku. On the walls of the square courtyard were hundreds of stone heads with a range of facial characteristics.

These heads were located on the walls. It is believed that the many forms of the skull, eyes, and headdresses shown here reflect the various human species that have ever existed on our planet. Some of the skulls have an odd appearance; they resemble sludge-colored extraterrestrials. You may get the impression that you are in the main building of the United Nations while you are here.

Viracocha, the deity of creation, is depicted in the statue that is located at the complex’s focal point. But what gives him such a distinct appearance in comparison to his designers? He is notable among Latin Americans for the presence of a beard and mustache on his face. The American Indian culture does not include the use of such accessories. Perhaps he was a Sumerian by birth, or perhaps he was from the Eurasia region. Once again, there is no clear answer.

The Precious Metals Museum in La Paz, Bolivia, has information that may be used to help answer your questions. The renowned chalice of Fuente Magna, which was discovered close to Tiwanakua Puma Punku. There is evidence of wedge-shaped inscriptions in the language of the Sumerians. This provides evidence for the existence of a direct relationship between the Sumerians and the people who lived in Tiwanaku.

This artifact, which was discovered in the 1950s on the shores of Lake Titicaca, is considered by supporters of the paleocontacts theory to be evidence of a link with an extraterrestrial civilization. This is because, in their perspective, the Sumerian civilization itself is also extraterrestrial.

Tiwanaku civilization
Tiwanaku civilization

Zechariah S. is a proponent of the thesis that the foundation of the Sumerian civilization lies in the cosmos. He is also a popularizer of the doctrine. As a result of their research into the myths surrounding the deity and creator Viracocha, several specialists are of the belief that the structures of Puma Punku originated from another world. Bolivia and Peru are both situated on either side of Lake Titicaca. The deity Viracocha emerged from the depths of this lake and proceeded to create the people, the sun, and the stars. The deity traveled to Tiwanaku and was responsible for bringing Tiwanaku civilization to that region.

At Puma Punku, he fashioned men and women out of stone and sent them to the four corners of the earth with the mission of founding civilizations there. The Spanish invaders inquired of the indigenous people about the meaning of Puma Punku. What exactly does each of these structures signify? They said that neither our family nor our forefathers were responsible for the construction of the structure. The gods worked tirelessly to construct it in a single night.

The accomplishments of a person’s forebears are often a source of pride for that person. People might say things like “It wasn’t us!” in this scenario. It was crafted by the gods. After a flood that engulfed the whole region, the city is said to have been constructed overnight by a race of giants, according to one mythology. But who exactly were these gigantic people? Where did they get there in the first place? Was it Viracocha and the other members of his crew? These enormous platforms are said to have moved through the air to the sound of trumpets, according to one of the earliest accounts. They were able to get to their destinations in record time. What exactly is this kind of audio technology?

The sun gates, which are carved from a single block and are located in the heart of Puma Punku. They weigh in excess of ten tons each. It is likely that the sun gate served as the entryway to Puma Punku. At the highest point of the gate arch, the creator deity is flanked by fifty winged animals, each of which is positioned on one side of him. Is it possible that this was the calendar used at that time?

The vast quantity of stone blocks, each of which is meticulously crafted, provides strong evidence that these blocks were produced in an industrial setting. They are all precisely the same, appearing to be elements of a Lego constructor, and were crafted in accordance with pre-arranged design documentation.

The Aymara people lived in the Stone Age and did not have a written language in their culture. The archaeological findings do not include any of the tools that were used to create these blocks. It would have been possible to utilize these stones as fastening for the enormous gates that led into the temple complex. This has been shown via the use of experiments. It is probable that the blocks that were lined up were utilized as a launching pad for flying machines, much as the golden object that was discovered in Colombia near Bagotá, which was an aircraft. The fact that this golden product not only met but also excelled the aerodynamic requirements of contemporary aircraft was shown via the use of model launches.

Tiwanaku civilization
Tiwanaku civilization

What became of these buildings and structures? What on earth could have caused the devastation that was seen at Puma Punku? It’s possible that a powerful earthquake shook these enormous bricks about like they were toy blocks. There is evidence to suggest that a meteorite crashed into the ground in the vicinity, which resulted in a flood.

In addition, pieces of stone blocks have been discovered buried quite deeply in the earth. It’s possible that someone staged the explosion to cover their tracks and hide evidence of their presence. A convincing indication that an explosion took place may be seen in the large region around Puma Punku in the form of fragments of diorite.

Afterwards, a wave that carried mud and silt rolled in and buried all that had been demolished. Carving in stone to perfection, masterful engineering, and ruthless devastation. Is it possible that extraterrestrial beings were responsible for the construction of Puma Punku? If so, what is the reason for it? Were we at a staging area, a battleground, or our ultimate destination? Maybe one day we’ll put an end to these questions and discover for certain whether or not extraterrestrials have ever visited earth.

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