Vete between Kanye West and Drake escalates again

There seems to have been a new chapter in the quarrel between Kanye West (41) and Drake (32). Kanye discovered that Drake had followed his wife Kim Kardashian on Instagram a few months ago, and the rapper did not pick that up.
In a series of angry tweets, the 41-year-old Kanye went completely loose. “Until this morning I never knew that Drake followed my wife on Instagram in September,” Kanye began. He calls the action of Drake “the most f *** ed up thing of all”. “Imagine”, Kanye continues. “You have problems with someone and then follow his wife on Instagram.”
The tweets about Drake have not been on the Internet for a long time. After about an hour Kanye removed them and posted some other messages in which he reported to love everyone.
Kanye and the Canadian rapper Drake have been struggling for a while. At regular intervals, the two rattles their quarrels with unfriendly tweets over and over again.