What causes bloating in the stomach?

Every person has experienced discomfort from bloating. This happens after overeating due to sensitivity to certain foods or critical days. This state makes us lazy, sleepy, and less productive. Let’s talk about the causes of bloating and how to prevent it.

What is bloating?

Bloating occurs when a large amount of gas builds up in the gastrointestinal tract. Exceeding the norm is considered to be more than 1,500 ml of air. Their number is normally from 700 to 1,000 ml. It is because of this that there is an increase in the abdominal cavity with all the accompanying symptoms: spasms, nausea, heaviness, and many others, individual for everyone.

Causes of bloating

12 causes of bloating

There are 12 most common causes of bloating

Swallowing air

The peculiarity of eating behavior is when, while taking food, a person swallows air with it. This happens when we have a snack on the run or strive to tell the interlocutor something interesting at lunch. Bloating can also occur in people who use chewing gum frequently and in smokers.

If bloating is due to these factors, some of the air is expelled by the body through belching, and some accumulate in the stomach, which is the cause of the unpleasant symptoms.

Features of the intestines

Features of the intestinal microflora and bacteria that live in it can provoke bloating. They decompose nutrients, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, and methane, which accumulate and “swell” the stomach.

Fermenting foods

Some foods getting into our stomachs have a fermentation effect, which, in turn, provokes the release of gases, which is why we want to undo the button on our trousers after eating.

All types of beans are most commonly referred to as bloating foods. However, even potatoes can cause unpleasant symptoms and other vegetables and fruits.

Changes in hormonal levels in women

Women may experience bloating during and shortly before and after their period. This is due to a change in the number of hormones in the body. For example, on premenstrual days, the uterus enlarges due to blood flow and presses on the intestines, which makes it difficult to waste gases and to bloat appears. And with the onset of critical days, it passes due to the elimination of blood and fluids.

Bloating during or on the eve of menstruation is a normal symptom, in contrast to the problems women experience during their period.

Ascites and edema

The accumulation of fluid in the abdomen is called ascites. It is a sign of many diseases, such as infections or liver conditions. Some cancers have this same symptom.

If bloating is not temporary but permanent, you should consult your doctor and listen for other symptoms. For example, with renal failure, pain is added to the enlargement of the abdominal cavity and a yellow tint of the skin.

Lack of fluid in the body

Too salty or spicy food and alcoholic beverages make you want to drink them with a couple of glasses of pure water, as they reduce their amount in the body. In addition to thirst, bloating does not take long.

When dehydrated, the body does its best to accumulate more moisture to prevent this condition in the future. At the same time, the gases become more, due to which there is swelling, bloating, and problems with the stool.

Food allergy

Bloating is a common symptom of food allergies (or food intolerances). It occurs because we eat food to which our body is oversensitive. For example, it includes citrus fruits, nuts, gluten-containing foods. Any food can be an allergen.

In addition to bloating, other allergy symptoms, such as redness and skin rashes, are added. To prevent malaise, in this case, you need to exclude an allergen product from the diet. Bloating is also common in people with lactose intolerance.

Bacterial overgrowth syndrome

A condition in the digestive tract where the concentration of harmful bacteria is exceeded is called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Dysbacteriosis also appears due to “bad” bacteria. As a result of these diseases, food in the stomach is less well absorbed, leading to bloating and other unpleasant symptoms.

In this case, the gastroenterologist selects the optimal solution to restore the balance of intestinal bacteria using medication or diet.


Infectious diseases increase white blood cell count and cause inflammation. If they affect the pelvic region or the gastrointestinal tract, the painful sensation, swelling, and swelling of the abdominal cavity become. Also, the temperature rises, and the lymph nodes increase. Such symptoms are a reason to seek medical help immediately.

Stool problems

When a person cannot go to the toilet for a long time, he is overcome by a feeling of tension, and in some cases – nausea and excessive gas formation. Constipation occurs due to a lack of fiber or a generally disordered diet.

Some medications and adjusting the diet help to cope with it and consult a doctor if this situation occurs quite often.

Taking antibiotics

Some drugs in this category can cause bloating. In order to support the intestines while taking medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the course of medicines against dysbiosis. And another interesting fact: when taking antibiotics, it is not recommended to consume milk, oranges, smoked meats, and marinades, as well as natural juices.

Age and sedentary lifestyle

Over the years, the digestive system becomes weaker. Therefore, it is important to keep it in good shape and be examined by a gastroenterologist at least once a year.

It is worth introducing more active rest and exercise: a sedentary lifestyle contributes to the deterioration of the intestines, which leads to bloating and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How to deal with bloating?

12 causes of bloating

We have already noted that you should visit a gastroenterologist, but what to do if you are faced with a problem here and now, read on.

  • Use natural probiotics. This term refers to beneficial bacteria that help the intestines absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins. They are contained both in special medicines, which the doctor selects, and in products. For example, fermented milk or in unpasteurized milk and yogurt, kombucha;
  • add more vegetables and fruits with a high water content to your diet. For example, fresh cucumbers and melons. Take a closer look at the vegetables cooked in a double boiler. Fresh herbs in dishes also prevent this unpleasant phenomenon;
  • if you often encounter a bloating problem, use more spices in your dishes. They help to relax the intestinal muscles. Parsley and rosemary have a laxative effect, as well as freshly ground ginger;
  • take a break for herbal tea with mint – it helps improve the stomach’s functioning.

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