What to ask a man at the beginning of a relationship?

Relationships between people develop gradually: meetings, likeness, falling in love. It often happens that several months pass, and you suddenly begin to think that you are mired in a swamp. Passion cools down, ties collapse. But don’t despair; at this stage, the relationship can be saved. How? It’s very simple: you need to communicate and talk more. What are questions safe to ask a man?
10 questions to ask a man at the start of a relationship
Don’t be afraid to take risks and ask your boyfriend what you care about. Communication will help you understand the relationship, dot the “I,” and decide on plans for the future. What if this is your destiny, and you will live with this man all your life?
What is your first impression of me?
Often the first impression, however, is deceiving. Even so, it’s still important to know what the person thought of you when they first met. Between the lines, it will also become clear which women are attracted to your boyfriend, which girls he considers ideal.
Advice. Listen closely to his words. You can learn a lot about this person’s personality. For example, whether he prefers to face the truth or see the world through rose-colored glasses.
What is closer to you: loud parties or a quiet evening at home?
This question will help you find out if you are on the same terms as your man. Ideal if you have not yet had time to become attached to him finally. It will be a problem if you like to spend family evenings at home, and he has not yet “walked up.”
Advice. Think about the trade-offs you can make. So, if you wait for him from noisy parties, get nervous, soon you will get tired of it, or you will not have enough strength to live like this …
What is your strangest hobby?
To ask such a question is to make a knight’s move. A clever and smart move will allow you to ferret out the hidden side of your partner. All people have their oddities. And sometimes, these oddities can tell a lot about a person.
Advice. It would help if you immediately thought about whether you could come to terms with these oddities. What “dark” sides do you have? Does your partner want to know about them too?
What are you most afraid of?
You should be careful with this question: not every man wants to admit that he is generally afraid of something. Of course, every person has fears. If your man tells you about something that scares him, it means that he trusts you.
Advice. Try to let your boyfriend know that you are ready to support him in a difficult moment, to go through a difficult situation with him, to be there in grief and joy.
Who is your closest person in the family?
Stupid question? But no. There are some pitfalls here. Your partner’s answer will show you if the “mama’s” son is in front of you. A man’s attachment to his mother, of course, is not a bad thing. However, there is a risk that the guy’s character retains infantile traits that interfere with his independence.
Advice. Think right away: are you ready to let a third person into your life – his mother?
Why did your past relationship end?
Talking about past relationships is a dangerous path. But this cannot be avoided, the. This is a reasonable question, albeit not an easy one. What if your boyfriend still hasn’t forgotten the past? Wouldn’t you want to find a picture of his ex-girlfriend in a drawer suddenly, would you?
Advice. Notice how openly the man talks about the past. If he answers your question calmly, he is a self-sufficient, mature person who has let go of the past and learned from it.
What are your weakness or weaknesses?
Again, while men don’t like to talk about their weaknesses, this is a useful question. Successful relationships have a simple formula: the number of pleasant moments and advantages of your partner is greater than the sum of disadvantages to which you can turn a blind eye. Love just like that, not for quality. But you still need to know the “cons” of a person.
Advice. In addition, this question will help you understand how critically and objectively a man evaluates himself and whether he is ready to work on his shortcomings.
What helps you to relax?
People are different. Someone wants to hug a loved one; someone needs a transatlantic cruise. This question will help you understand which qualities are more in a man: extroverted or introverted. How does he rest? Alone, with friends? If you relax in different ways, this can become a problem later on.
Advice. You have to think about compromises. One way out if you have different lifestyles is to define your personal space. For example, you can go for a walk, and your boyfriend can relax in a bathhouse with friends. Also inquire about a man’s usual weekend, what he does on Saturday and Sunday.
Do you think friendship is possible between a man and a woman?
Why ask this? It’s simple: a man’s answer will immediately show you how deeply he communicates with women and how he perceives them. If you get attached to a guy, but it turns out that you can’t live together, why not keep a warm friendship?
Advice. Before you let a man get too close to you, try to find out if the guy is ready to see you in his life after breaking up – if this suddenly happens.
Who is your best friend?
Remember the saying? Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are. A man often wants a girl to meet his friends. The approval of your peers is an important factor in continuing your relationship with a woman.
Advice. Pay attention to how your man talks about his friend, how emotionally, warmly. This will show how much he values his loved ones.
Relationships are one of the most important parts of our life. Every woman and every man dreams of understanding, real closeness, warmth, and tenderness. We want to find our soul mate. These questions will help you understand each other better, assess how compatible you are