White cop gets 15 years in prison for death of unarmed black boy

A former white policeman has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for manslaughter on an unarmed black boy in 2017 at Dallas (Texas) of such a judgment is rather rare in the United States.

Roy Oliver shot several times on a car in which five young people were sitting. A shot hit the head of Jordan Edwards, who was 15 years old.

The 38-year-old policeman was sent to a party with a colleague where minors were reportedly drinking alcohol. The agents heard shots when they arrived at the scene. At that time, Jordan Edwards and other young people, according to the local press, stepped into a car to drive away from the party after hearing the shots. The policeman then shot on the car.

“For all innocent African-Americans”
The police first said that the agent had shot out of self-defense because the car was driving backwards with the youngsters. But the images from his camera showed that the car was driving away from him when he opened the fire.

Daryl Washington, the Edwards family lawyer, said the case was a symbol file. “In honor of all unarmed African-Americans who were killed and for whom no justice was done.” The policemen’s lawyers stated that they intended to appeal.

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