Madonna seeks limits again on most bizarre album Madame X

Music Fans of Madonna counted off the days slowly and today it is finally here: after more than four years the singer puts out another record. “Madame X” is the fourteenth studio album by the Queen of Pop and, as we are used to, the singer is once again seeking the boundaries.
Reviewers who were allowed to hear the album almost all agree: ‘Madame X’ is Madonna’s most bizarre album ever. However, it rained stars at The Guardian and The Times. The 60-year-old singer is called ‘brave’ for her daring to reinvent herself and the fifteen songs are almost all good according to the British newspapers.
That’s about Madonna’s career in a nutshell: with every new album, she tries to keep up with her time and sound different. Partly because of this, the singer has managed to stand her ground in the entertainment world for more than 36 years.
In recent years, in which Madonna mainly presented herself as the soccer mother for her son David, things are not going smoothly anymore. The last album ‘Rebel Heart’ was no longer such a big success as the predecessors, no hits were released and the run-up to the release of ‘Madame X’ also started to fall.
Many will remember her performance during the final of the Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv, where Madonna was quite vocal in the bend. Also, the releases of the singles of ‘Madame X’ have done little so far. ‘Medellin’, ‘I Rise’, ‘Crave’, ‘Future’ and ‘Dark Ballet’, which were particularly noticeable due to the amount of autotune, were not or hardly listened to via the streaming platforms and the radio stations also ignored Madonna.
It is now up to Madonna’s fans whether the Queen of Pop can extend her reign and add her eleventh number one listing to the top 100 Album next week.