10 questions to ask during your job interview

Anyone who has already had a number of job applications knows that every interview ends with the words: “Do you have any questions yourself?”. If you want to leave a good impression, it is best to prepare a few. But what can you actually inquire about? We offer you ten options for inspiration.

Polling your salary or the number of days off during the first interview is an absolute no-go. Of course, it is important to raise these matters, but do not do so until the second or third round. The first meeting is to find out whether there is a match between you, the open vacancy, and the company. Therefore, it is better to ask one of the following questions:

10 questions to ask during your job interview

1. Why do you like working here yourself?

In this way, you show that you are curious about the company culture and the positive sides of the company. A nice bonus is that this somewhat personal question also immediately creates a bond with the recruiter.

2. What will my typical working day look like?

Not only does this question prove that you are genuinely interested in the job, the answer will also help you get a better idea of the position so that you can assess whether it is really for you.

3. What are the biggest challenges in my position?

Checking this also helps you to form a correct picture of the job. You also show that you like to be prepared and willing to face challenges that come your way, which is excellent quality.

4. What do you want me to accomplish in the next six months?

This way, you discover whether the expectations of the company are in line with yours. You also present yourself as someone who is hands-on and who likes to get involved in the right way.

5. Who will I work with?

If the recruiter has not yet delved deeper into the team you will be joining, it is very valuable to ask about this. Because you want it to click, right? Plus, you show that you are a team player who is curious about future colleagues.

6. Can I meet my future colleagues?

Even more interesting than listening to stories about your potential colleagues is asking if you can meet them in person. Not here and now, of course, but you can check whether that is an option as the application process progresses.

7. What qualities do your most successful employees have?

With this question, you show that you want to excel, and at the same time, you will learn more about the company’s values. Don’t be afraid to ask: will you work closely with those colleagues? Who can you learn the most from?

8. How is performance evaluated?

Another question that shows ambition. In this way, you show that you are open to feedback and that you want to grow in your job.

9. How will the company evolve in the coming years?

Although it is now commonplace to change employers regularly, companies are still looking for long-term employees. Especially if you are going to have a job that requires some internal training. In this way, you reveal that you would like to commit yourself for a considerable period of time.

10. How does this application procedure continue?

By checking when you can expect more news and how many application rounds there are, you do not have to worry unnecessarily if you do not hear anything for a while, and you also prove that you are enthusiastic about continuing the application. The perfect ending!

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