6 weird scientific theories about the reality that might be true

Human history shows many examples of people being ridiculed for unrealistic concepts but later turned out to be true. In our time, too, many theories sound like the ravings of a madman or at least conspiracy theories, but they may well turn out to be true.
1. White hole

If something exists, then its direct opposite must necessarily exist. This is the opinion of some adherents of the so-called white holes – the antagonists of black holes. And if the latter absorb any substance that crosses the event horizon, after which they throw it into space in the form of a relativistic jet, then the white ones, on the contrary, only radiate.
According to the theory, a white hole is completely impassable from the outside, while light and matter are emitted from it 24/7 – such a cosmic forge of enormous proportions.
Scientists suggest that if such holes exist, they are possible only if there is not a single atom of matter on their event horizon. There are different versions of their theoretical origin. Someone believes that white holes are created when the singularity in the centre of a black hole shrinks to a minimum size, after which it turns into its opposite. Others think that the Big Bang that created our universe was the same white hole. To get the latest stories, install our app here
It doesn’t sound very realistic, but think that a few decades ago, most of the scientific community laughed at the supporters of the existence of black holes, and today scientists are already presenting photographs of these objects.
2. Zoo hypothesis
Scientists and just curious people have been studying space in detail for many decades in the hope of finding traces of extraterrestrial life there. But there is not a single hint of this – no signals, no traces of the presence of highly developed civilizations. And this is strange because only in our Milky Way there are from 200 to 400 billion stars, and there should be those where intelligent life exists.
According to the zoo hypothesis, highly developed civilizations surround us, but they act only as observers, disguised with the help of technology. They don’t interfere with life on Earth and watch us mate, go to work, play games, surf the internet and destroy each other in senseless wars. It is like a nature reserve where groups of tourists stop by and watch how lions mate and then run after antelopes, not noticing the presence of bipedal creatures.
Why don’t they get in touch? They wait until humanity reaches a certain level of development to interact with it. Right now, our cooperation might be like trying to make contact between humans and ants. To get the latest stories, install our app here
3. Holographic Universe

When we talk about our world, we think of it as a three-dimensional space consisting of length, width and height. But what do you say if our whole world turns out to be something like the game universe of the first Mario games?
Among theoretical physicists, there are many supporters of the holographic universe theory. According to this theory, we see a holographic image projected onto a two-dimensional surface, which looks three-dimensional. The point is that when scientists try to combine the quantum and relativistic models of the universe, they find that the answer is consistent with a two-dimensional universe. And if so, then everything that we see around is just a projection. And if so, then the flat earthers would be right. True, in this case, the supporters themselves will also turn out to be flat.
4. Theory of time dilation
Interestingly, the farther an object is from us in space, the faster it moves away from us. And this is strange because the universe, by all the rules under the influence of gravity, should slow down the expansion, but instead, it accelerates.
Scientists are trying to insert crutches into classical theories that will explain this paradox (for example, dark energy), but there is no consensus on this. They suggest that it is not the universe accelerating its expansion but that time is slowing down. That is why more distant objects seem to be fast, since we, looking at them, look into the past when time passed faster. To get the latest stories, install our app here
5. Theory of multidimensional beings

Another explanation for the fact that humanity cannot find aliens: is looking in the wrong place. Just imagine that you are a pixel character from a two-dimensional world. You only have two dimensions – length and width. And if a three-dimensional creature looks at you from above, you won’t see it because, in your thinking, there is simply no such space as height. To get the latest stories, install our app here
Scientists who adhere to this theory suggest that aliens exist. And perhaps they even try to contact us, but they cannot because they have at least one more space than we do. As a result, for them, we are like that pixel man who does not notice the three-dimensional creature that is obvious to us. It is assumed that all paranormal phenomena are just the subtle influence of multidimensional beings.
6. Nemesis

In the early 1980s, trying to explain the periodicity of mass extinctions every 26 million years, scientists hypothesized the existence of Nemesis, a hard-to-detect star. In their opinion, it is a red, white or brown dwarf and revolves around the Sun at a distance of 0.8-1.5 light-years outside the Oort cloud. To get the latest stories, install our app here
It is assumed that every 26 million years, Nemesis, flying through the Oort cloud, with its gravity, pushes asteroids out of it, which fly towards the solar system, including to Earth. So far, scientists have not been able to detect Nemesis, and for the most part, the scientific community considers the solar system to be one-star. However, they do not deny the possibility of undiscovered trans-Neptunian objects.