9 signs that indicate your body is lacking in nutrients

The state of health can change in a few seconds if the body is exposed to a strong toxic substance. But more often than not in life, we do not face such threats and feel more or less normal; we believe that the body is in perfect order. However, do not forget that most conditions that worsen health have a cumulative effect and affect well-being only after many months and even years.

The same goes for nutritional deficiencies. Even a week on a diet of burgers and soda won’t do you significant harm. But when the body lacks nutrients for a long time, it can manifest itself in several symptoms. Noticing them is worth changing your diet, adding more foods rich in missing nutrients to it.

Hair loss

Normally, a person loses 50 to 100 hairs every day. You don’t notice this just because you have them short, but you swear at the girl who, after a shower, clogged the drain with her strands.

But if you notice that a lot of hair remains on the pillow after sleeping, if there are as many of them on your fingers while washing your hair as after a haircut, you may have a lack of iron. This can lead to anemia and impaired thinking in the long term because iron is necessary for producing red blood cells, which carry oxygen, supplying it to all organs.

To replenish your iron balance, you can add lean beef, poultry, spinach, beans, and cashews to your diet.

Constant fatigue

If you do not lead an active lifestyle and your work is not related to physical activity. Fatigue is as if you have just unloaded a couple of wagons with bricks; it may be due to a lack of vitamin D. This vitamin is produced by our body when the sun hits the skin. If there is a lack of sun, it is worth adding salmon, herring, cod liver, and other foods high in vitamin D to the diet.

Dry mouth

If you are deficient in B vitamins such as B6, folic acid, and thiamine, your mouth may feel dry and numb, and your gums, inner cheeks, palate, and lips may burn. In this case, add more beans, spinach, bananas, and other foods rich in B vitamins to your diet.

Dry skin

Dry, lifeless parchment-like skin that cracks even with slight pressure may indicate a lack of vitamin A, which is designed to grow and maintain tissues, including the skin. Dryness can also appear on the lips, in the nasal cavity, and on other mucous membranes. To make up for this nutrient deficiency, include green leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach, potatoes, carrots, melons, and apricots in your diet.

Weak bones

If you break your arm for the second time in a year due to a minor blow, you may be deficient in vitamin D or calcium, as these substances are responsible for bone density and regeneration. In addition, a lack of magnesium, which helps in calcium absorption, may be the cause.

In case of calcium deficiency, it is worth adding dairy products, salmon, sardines, nuts, beans, beans, green vegetables, and herbs to the diet. Leafy vegetables, avocados, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, sesame seeds, dairy products, and nuts are suitable for replenishing the lack of magnesium.

Cracks in the corners of the lips

At first, it may appear as a burning sensation due to cracked skin in the corners of the mouth. Later, cracks can turn into bleeding wounds. This condition can occur due to low levels of iron and B vitamins. In this case, beef, poultry, asparagus, broccoli, and eggs should be included in the diet.

Inflammation of the tongue

If you notice that the color and shape of the tongue has changed, it has become painful and swollen; it may be due to a deficiency of iron or B vitamins. It is worth adding meat, fish, eggs, and milk to the diet.

It is important to understand that tongue inflammation can also be caused by glossitis. This disease can occur due to lack of nutrients and due to thermal and chemical burns, allergic reactions, mechanical injuries, abuse of spicy foods, consumption of large amounts of sucking candy, and smoking.

Slow wound healing

On average, most minor skin wounds take about two to three weeks to heal and more than a month for deep ones. But if even a minor cut bleeds for a long time and constantly opens when it seems that it has already healed, it may be due to a zinc deficiency. Also, the reason for the slow healing of wounds can be a deficiency of vitamin C, which, in especially advanced cases, leads to scurvy.

In case of a lack of zinc, you can add pork, beef, yogurts, beans, pumpkin, and sesame seeds to the diet, as well as oysters, which are the champion in the content of this trace element, among other products. Vitamin C deficiencies can be replenished with citrus fruits, cabbage, kiwi, and bell peppers. It is also best to quit if you smoke, as this habit interferes with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin C.

Muscle spasms

Calcium is responsible for the work of muscles and their contraction, and therefore, if muscle cramps occur and twitch around the eyes and mouth, this may indicate a lack of this nutrient. In this case, you need to add dairy products, salmon, sardines, and broccoli to the diet.

But it is best not to self-medicate and see a doctor because muscle spasms can result from a malfunction of the cardiovascular or nervous system.

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