“No aliens in New York”: explosion causes strange bright blue light

New Yorkers looked strange when they suddenly saw a bright blue light appear above the city. The strange light came from an explosion in a power plant in the north of Queens and not the announcement of an alien invasion, as some worried citizens thought.

The New York police confirms that the light comes from the explosion of a transformer at power plant Con Ed in Queens. According to a spokesperson for the company Con Edison where the explosion took place, there were several fires, but the fire brigade has now been under control. According to the police, there were no injuries.

And for the concerned citizens she adds on Twitter that “no aliens have landed in the Bronx.”

At the international airport of LaGuardia, which is located in Queens, there was short power outage due to the incident, according to NBC. Train traffic was also affected.

©AP – ‘Extraterrestrial light’ over New York after an explosion in a power plant in the north of the city.

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