Bizarre: Yentl (23) sees her own foal for sale for 1,000 euros

The Bruges Yentl Vanlaer (23) could not believe her eyes when she suddenly saw her own foal on sale at a second-hand site for 1,000 euros. When a friend contacted the ‘sellers’, the ad was suddenly removed.

It was a friend of Yentl who discovered the remarkable scene on seekers’ site “My girlfriend is looking for a foal herself and noticed that the similarities were very striking with my horse,” says de Brugse. The young twenties went to watch the ad herself and knew for sure: it was her foal that was offered for sale for 1,000 euros. She also took the photos of the horse herself. “But I would never sell my foal. I do not understand it at all,” says Yentl. The seller described the young horse as a ‘jumping horse’ with a shoulder height of 1.30 meters.

Bizarre: Yentl (23) sees her own foal for sale for 1,000 euros
©Mathias Mariën

The girlfriend of Yentl decided to contact the fake sellers, but that did not matter. The ad was removed shortly afterwards. “I have warned people about the false sellers through social media and are now also viewing various horse pages. Who knows, maybe they offer my foal elsewhere for sale. Hopefully it will stay here and they will never go a step further.”

Bizarre: Yentl (23) sees her own foal for sale for 1,000 euros
©Mathias Mariën

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