Britney Spears calls on fans to calm down after ‘#FreeBritney’ fuss

The rumors that Britney Spears was admitted against her will in a clinic are completely out of control. The singer let it know in a post on Instagram. “My family is threatened with death.”

“There are rumors, death threats addressed to my relatives and my team, and so many strange things are said,” Britney tries to calm down. “I try to take a moment for myself, but that makes it a lot harder. Do not believe everything you read and hear.”


The makers of a podcast about Britney Spears started the hashtag #FreeBritney last week because they had learned from ‘reliable sources’ that the singer had been admitted to the clinic against her will. According to Britney, e-mails are circulating that are supposedly written by her but actually, come from her ex-manager’s case. “Those fake e-mails were prepared by Sam Lutfi years ago, I didn’t write them. He pretended to be me and communicated with my team with a fake address.”

Britney Spears announced last month that she wanted to work on her mental state after her father experienced a serious medical problem. According to various media, Spear was checked into a clinic for a 30-day program.

Britney Spears calls on fans to calm down after '#FreeBritney' fuss

The singer asks her fans and followers to leave her alone. “Your love and dedication are great, but what I need now is a little privacy to learn how to deal with difficult things in my life. If you can do that, I will be eternally grateful to you.”

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