Bill Gates predicts the emergence of a new pandemic

Discussing the coronavirus with actress Rashida Jones and chief US infectious disease specialist Anthony Fauci, the Microsoft founder said humanity would not be able to prevent another pandemic. According to his predictions, it could start in three years, and in the best case, in 20 years.

Humanity will face a new pandemic, Bill Gates said in a podcast published Nov. 16 on Gates Notes, where he spoke with actress Rashida Jones and US government infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci about the coronavirus and changes made by the virus.

Jones asked him if a new pandemic inevitably threatens humanity. “Yes. And we’ll be lucky if that happens 20 years from now,” Gates said.

An imminent threat?

He also noted that there was a scenario that this could happen much sooner, even in three years.

However, the billionaire stressed that humanity would be better prepared.

According to him, at this point, there will be proven algorithms triggering a quarantine as well as improved systems to test potential carriers. “The second time around, we won’t be so stupid,” he concluded.

Earlier, in an interview with the New York Times, the founder of Microsoft predicted the decrease of more than 50% of business trips and more than 30% of days in the office due to new telecommuting habits.

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