The smallest countries in the world by area

There are many different countries in the world whose area does not exceed 400 km2, and the population is close to the people of an average provincial town.
Moreover, many of them are popular among tourists. Part – has excellent tourism potential, if investors find to invest in the development of tourism and services
1. Vatican City – 0.49 km2
City-state, a state within a city – the Vatican can be called in different ways. But this does not change its status as the smallest country in the world. It locates in the capital of Italy – Rome. And this is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. Its museums attract up to 5 million people annually. And that’s not counting the pilgrims. After all, the Vatican is the capital of the Holy See.
Tourists primarily attracted by the majestic Cathedral of St. Peter, the dome of which rises more than 136 m above the ground. Several generations of architects erected the unique building. Five arched gates lead to the temple, over which the statues of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist and the eleven apostles rise on the facade. No less attention is attracted by the Vatican Museums, where Leonardo de Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo are kept.
2. Monaco – 2.02 km2
The country’s territory is a 4.1 km long strip along the Ligurian Sea. It is not hard to guess that its width is about 0.5 km. The land and the city are the barriers, areas of fashionable villas, casinos and banks.
The micro-country lives at the expense of tourism and financial activities. The gambling business is also attractive. The best casinos in the world located in the Monte Carlo area.
Those who are not keen on gambling will love the Yves Cousteau Museum. Finds made during expeditions are collected here. In the underground part, there is an oceanarium, where about 4000 representatives of the underwater world live.
3. Nauru – 21.3 km2
Potentially exciting country for tourists, located on a coral island south of the Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Nauru constantly refers to the prefix “most”. The smallest island country, the smallest country outside the European continent, and one of the smallest republics without its capital.
Until the 70s, Nauru was considered one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Today, from the primary source of income, mining and export of phosphorites, only the lunar landscapes on the site of the former mines remain, attracting the attention of travellers. They also lure tourists with fishing. Today, the authorities are engaged in the creation of aquaculture with the farming of Thanos fish.
4. Tuvalu – 26.0 km2
If we take into account the water area, then the state will turn out to be not the smallest. The total area of the archipelago, consisting of 4 islands and five coral atolls, is 350 km2. In this case, the distance between the islands can reach 50 km. The archipelago locates in Polynesia.
Unfortunately, Tuvalu is one of the world’s poorest countries, and the tourism industry is represented mainly by bungalows on the coast. It’s a pity. The archipelago is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The azure waters of bays and lagoons amaze magnificent beaches surrounded by tropical vegetation.
Trendy is the island of Nanumanga, covered with mangrove forests. In addition to beach recreation, diving among coral reefs, windsurfing, sailing, sea fishing are available to travellers. By the way, excellent seafood soups prepare in local cafes on the coast.
5. San Marino – 61.2 km2
At the driveway to the central part of the city of Monte Titano, the motto of a tiny country inscribe, surrounded by the territory of Italy. “Welcome to the ancient land of freedom.” And indeed it is. San Marino forms at the beginning of the 4th century, and from that moment on, it retained its independence throughout the centuries.
They come to San Marino and its capital of the same name for picturesque landscapes and acquaintance with numerous attractions. Mountain peaks surround the city. And one of them, Monte Titano, is located in its central part. Its rocky peaks adorned with three towers. The Guaita Tower, which soars at an altitude of 740 meters, offers stunning views of the entire country. The Montale Tower houses the Museum of Ancient Weapons.
6. Liechtenstein – 160.0 km2
A dwarf country located among the mountain peaks of the Alps between Austria and Switzerland. Mountain slopes dotted with medieval castles and traditional villages descend into the Rhine Valley. Ordinary onlookers can come to the country all year round. For those who love skiing, the season opens in November and lasts until April. There is only one resort. But it is suitable for both beginners and pros alike.
In the summer, tourists go to the capital of the state – Vaduz. Here you can stroll along the old town’s narrow streets and explore the castle of the same name. Unfortunately, only outwardly. Since 1938, it has become the official residence of the princely family. Or wait until August 15, when his chambers are open to all comers, and a feast hold in the courtyard. By the way, Liechtenstein’s cuisine deserves special attention. It includes cheeses, smoked brisket and, of course, wine.
7. Marshall Islands – 181.43 km2
The Marshall Islands is another place with great potential for tourism development. Twenty-nine atolls and five islands stretch from north to south in the waters of the Pacific Ocean between the coasts of America and Japan.
The most visited is Kwajalein Atoll. There is a windsurfing school on its territory. There is an opportunity to play tennis, bowling, golf, ping-pong, there is a large entertainment centre. It is pleasant to spend time on the numerous beaches. One more point: fans will live on the island to watch the launch of ballistic missiles and their splashdown.
8. Malta – 246.0 km2
An archipelago of 3 islands, located in the Mediterranean Sea directly south of Italy and the north of Libya, most tourists associate with clean beaches and knightly tournaments. If we talk about knights, then from 1530 until the arrival of Napoleon’s troops, the Order of Malta ruled on the islands. From those times, there are medieval fortresses and several temples.
As for the beaches, there is a place for everyone. One has only to remember that the sandy ones with a gentle entrance to the sea are pretty crowded. Wild – locates in picturesque bays. Their cover is a mixture of sand and pebbles. But at the access to the water, large stones can found
9. Saint Kitts and Nevis – 261.0 km2
Saint Kitts is a country that bases on two islands of the same name. They discovered by Christopher Columbus. However, the islands in the Caribbean did not appeal to the Spaniards. They fell into the zone of interests of the British and French. Despite the unique beaches with black volcanic sand and the possibility of diving among coral reefs, the destination is not popular with tourists. They were affected by the remoteness from densely populated areas, high prices for air tickets and the underdeveloped tourism industry.
There is something to see on the islands; the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park with the fort of the same name, where the Colonial Museum locates today, and the cambric factory, which local craftswomen paint by hand.
10. Maldives – 300.0 km2
One of the heavenly places on earth consists of more than 1900 atolls in the Indian Ocean. It should note right away that the Maldives is a place for the rest of the wealthy people, especially the northern regions, with their fashionable hotels. But fans of independent recreation will find their home here. True, more than one dollar should be gathering dust in your pocket. After all, after aimlessly wallowing on the beach, there will be a desire to go diving, go to sea on a yacht, take a walk in the surrounding villages, fly around the islands by plane and dine in an underwater restaurant.