These are the pros and cons of friends with benefits

Friends with benefits, you’ve probably heard of it. But do you know what the exact meaning of this is? And what, for example, are the advantages and disadvantages of this? And are there specific rules to ensure that these ‘benefits’ run smoothly?

We have sorted it out for you and put all the facts in a row.

Advantages and disadvantages of friends with benefits

The term ‘friends with benefit is most known for the movie Friends with Benefits. The handsome Justin Timberlake and lovely Mila Kunis decide to expand their friendship with casual s*x.

It could just be that after seeing the film, you think “gosh,” I would like that too’. That is why we have listed all the advantages and disadvantages of friends with benefits. This way, you can check with yourself whether it is something for you.


  • You have s*x with someone you like; you are friends after all. You already know each other through and through, and so you dare to say everything to each other. It is, therefore, a lot more personal than a one-night stand. You can leave each other completely free. It’s all about the s*x, after all.
  • S*x with others is allowed.
  • You don’t expect more from each other than just friends with benefits. Nice and clear.


  • One of the two may develop more emotional and complicated feelings than simple horn!ness.
  • Jealousy can come into play.
  • It can be a threat to your friendship.
  • Both the s*x and your friendship can die with that person.
  • That one cute hunk now thinks you’re not single anymore.
  • It can be confusing when you are amicable or sexually.
  • Because it’s a friend of yours, you don’t want to cross his or her boundaries.

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