Want to save energy when you’re away? These tips make the difference

A sultry summer seems out of the question locally, which is why many people are exchanging the staycation for a trip to the sun this year. With these tips, you can save energy at home while away.

Before you leave in a hurry, however, it is best to think about your energy bill. Because with a few simple interventions, you can also quickly save a lot of energy during your absence. These tips mean that you can afford an extra ice cream at your destination.

Turn off all devices

The standby consumption in an average family quickly rises to several tens or even hundreds of dollars per year. Before leaving, turn off all devices where possible, including those you normally leave in standby mode. Switching off and restarting the modem or decoder is a time-consuming job to perform on a daily basis, but it certainly pays off if you do not use it for a longer period.

Remove plugs from the socket

A switched-off appliance that is always connected to the mains also consumes energy. So remove all plugs from the socket. You can complete the job in no time via a power strip with a switch.

Defrost the freezer

It is a good idea to defrost and clean your freezer regularly. An ice layer in the freezer causes a higher energy consumption. Carry out this work a few days before you leave and who knows, you might immediately find something delicious as provisions for the road.

Put your thermostat in holiday mode

The thermostat usually does not activate in the middle of summer. However, this may well be the case at the current cool temperatures, while you certainly don’t need it in your absence. Waste of heat and useless energy. These are costs that you would rather avoid.

Control lamps smarter

In the past, in many homes, several lights were left on, even during vacation time. That was supposed to ensure that burglars would ignore your house. After a few days, however, unwanted intruders will know what the fork is. More energy-efficient alternatives consist of lighting with a timer or control using an app. Another option is to call on family or neighbors briefly to move the blinds or shutters to a different position.

Find the cheapest energy tariff

There is currently a gap of more than 200 dollars between the cheapest and the most expensive electricity tariff on the market. With natural gas, it is even more. Whoever uses his leave period to put the test to the test himself may even immediately win back his accommodation budget!

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