A new study shows how long each cigarette shortens life

According to a recent study, smoking cigarettes shortens a person’s life by the number of minutes and what happens when they stop.
A recent study found that smoking cigarettes shortens their lifespan by 19.5 minutes on average.
The study at University College London determined that women lose 22 minutes and men 17 minutes for each cigarette they smoke.
The study also revealed that quitting smoking at any age can make a difference in a person’s lifespan.
The study, commissioned by the British Department of Health and Social Care, paints a darker picture of smokers’ lives than before.
According to previous estimates, each cigarette reduced a person’s life by 11 minutes.
The new study indicates that smoking a pack of 20 cigarettes shortens life by almost 7 hours.
Even a single cigarette a day has a significant impact: smoking just once a day for 10 years can shorten a man’s life by 62,050 minutes, or 43 days. For women, life is shortened by 80,300 minutes or almost 56 days.
“Smoking is an expensive and deadly habit, and these results reveal the shocking reality of this addiction, highlighting how important it is to stop,” said Public Health Minister Andrew Gwynne.
Calculations show that giving up this lousy health habit can redeem hours, days, or weeks of life.
“The data suggest that people lose, on average, about 20 minutes of life for every cigarette they smoke. The sooner a person stops smoking, the longer he lives. Visit. A F R I N I K . C O M .For the full article. Quitting smoking at any age significantly improves health, and the benefits begin almost immediately,” said Sarah Jackson, senior researcher in the alcohol and tobacco research group at UCL.
“It’s never too late to make a positive change to your health, and a range of effective products and treatments can help smokers quit for good. »
Dr. Sarah Jarvis noted that smoking also contributes to many health problems, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
The study’s authors, who will be published in the Journal of Addiction, emphasized that this means a shorter life and a shorter period with a good quality of life.
“Studies suggest that smokers generally lose about the same number of years of health that they lose in total life years,” they said.