Alpha Conde has 5 days to sign his resignation

After dismissing Alpha Conde, the now-former head of Guinea, the leader of Special Forces Group of Guinea, Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, is increasing the pressure on the deposed leader. By doing what? Alpha has a deadline of five days to sign his resignation.

The political situation in Guinea is more or less tense. While the Guinean people are jubilating and multiplying messages of congratulations and thanks to the junta that led to the ousting of the former president, Alpha Conde, the latter, on the orders of the CNRD led by Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya, refuses to sign his resignation.

This situation comes when ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) is meeting at an extraordinary summit to rule on the situation in Guinea on Thursday, September 16, 2021, in Accra, the cap ital of Ghana. However, coincidentally or not, the CNRD (Comité National du Rassemblement et du Développement) has warned Alpha Conde, on whom it is putting more pressure.

In Guinea, putschists announce meetings to form a government
Mamady Doumbouya

“We inform you that the former head of state Alpha Conde is currently under house arrest and deprived of means of communication with the outside. On its Facebook page, “he (Alpha Conde ed.) is accompanied by his cook and his doctor Dr Kaba,” wrote the National Committee of the Rally and Development, stating that a deadline of five days is given to Alpha Conde to sign his resignation. What will happen if the former leader does not comply?

Let us recall that Alpha Conde was deposed on September 5, following a coup d’état perpetrated by elements of the Group of Special Forces of Guinea, headed by Lieutenant Colonel Mamady Doumbouya.

Alpha Condé sitting in the middle of the Special Forces
Alpha Condé sitting in the middle of the Special Forces

It was reported that all the elements of Alpha Conde’s bodyguard were killed during the exchange of fire with Colonel Doumbouya’s men.

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