At least 37 people killed by gunmen in Nigeria

In Nigeria, at least 37 people were killed when gunmen attacked three villages in the northwestern state of Sokoto. The attackers arrived by motorbike and raided villages in Goronyo district, according to district chief Zakari Chinaka.

They opened fire on the villagers and set fire to the markets and crops, the district chief said, adding that the gunmen took all the cattle with them. An inhabitant of Kamitau, where there were 23 dead, says local people have tried to defend themselves to recover livestock, the only means of livelihood in this area. But the bandits fought back killing more people.

President Muhammadu Buhari in a statement strongly condemned these killings. He says he undertakes to respond with force to those he calls the enemies of humanity. The state of Sokoto, which was currently protected from violence, is a new target for armed men who are spreading terror in northwestern Nigeria.

They steal the cattle and sell it in lucrative, parallel trading channels. Last month, 43 people were killed in the districts of Rabah and Isa in the same region of Nigeria.

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