Beagle puppy has a spot in the shape of young dog

Hazel, a nine-week-old Beagle puppy from the English county of Yorkshire, has become world famous in a few days through social media because the cute four-footed dog has a spot in the shape of a young dog on her fur. “A puppy with a puppy tattoo,” her owner Shannon Austin (31) calls the dog.
According to Austin, the cuddly four-legged child was born without the puppy on her back. “They used to be individual spots, but they gradually came together. I only saw this week that they have become one whole and now form a spot that, in my opinion, looks like two drops of water to Hazel itself.”
“Not in the same colors, but her ‘tattoo’ could just be a beagle”, she says on the puppy’s own Instagram account, which has now reached almost all British newspapers as a ‘viral pet’. Austin can laugh at all the attention. “I get it. Our sweet beagle baby is nothing but unique because of its special drawing.”