Boy (7) enters burning house to save little sister: “I didn’t want her to die”

A 7-year-old boy from Tennessee has done an unprecedented heroic act in front of his family. When a huge fire broke out in his house, he entered the burning nursery at the risk of his own life to rescue his 22-month-old sister.
The drama already took place on Tuesday, December 8, but CNN is only now releasing the impressive story. Parents Chris and Nicole Davidson put their three young children to bed around 8:30 p.m. that evening and went to sleep themselves not much later. Around midnight Mother Nicole was startled by a penetrating cloud of smoke. Less than five minutes later, the Davidsons’ detached house had turned into a sea of flames.
Chris and Nicole both work in the fire department and soon realized their house was on the verge of collapse. The parents immediately got their son, two-year-old Elijah, and their 7-year-old foster son Eli out of bed. “Chris took the fire extinguisher and tried to give me time to get the kids. I grabbed my two sons because they were closest to the fire,” Mother Nicole explained.

She could not bring her daughter Erin with her because enormous flames surrounded her bedroom. “The smoke and fire were so intense that there was no way I could reach her,” says father, Chris. “We went outside to look at her window, but I couldn’t stand on anything to get to her. So then I picked up Eli, he climbed through the nursery window and got her out of her bed.”
‘I have got her, daddy’
According to the parents, 7-year-old Eli saved his little sister’s life. They are very proud of him. “He’s done something a grown man wouldn’t do.” At first, Eli thought he couldn’t do it. “But I didn’t want my sister to die. I thought I wouldn’t be able to, but then I said: ‘I’ve got her daddy’.”
As if by a miracle, no one was hurt by the flames. The house has been totally destroyed. “We have lost everything we ever had. Our whole lives were in this house,” said Chris, who has also lost his job as a result of the corona crisis.
To support the family financially in this difficult time, an online fundraising campaign has been launched. The massive media attention has already raised nearly $200,000, probably enough to get all their stuff back.
It is still unclear what caused the fire. Experts assume a defect in the meter cupboard.