Lady Gaga’s One World Together At Home raises nearly $130M

The ‘One World Together At Home’ event organized by Lady Gaga (34) brought in $ 127.9 million. About a hundred international artists participated in the worldwide benefit concert from home on Saturday evening.
‘One World: Together At Home’ generated an enormous amount of no less than 127.9 million dollars. The majority goes to local and regional aid workers, and the rest will go to the Covid-19 Solidarity Fund, the organization reports.
Unlike Live Aid at the time, the audience was not supposed to contribute. Lady Gaga recently emphasized this in a conversation with talk show host Jimmy Fallon. “It is not intended that people donate money while the benefit is in progress,” she said. “Sit down and enjoy what you see.”
The singer collected the money by writing to multinationals and philanthropists and asking for a gift. Apple boss Tim Cooke, for example, donated about million after a call from Gaga.
The unique ‘One World Together At Home’, curated by Lady Gaga, in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Global Citizen, was presented by American talk show hosts Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert.
Personal stories from medical staff, among others, focused on the impact of the coronavirus worldwide. Lady Gaga called it “a love letter” to the people on the front line. “I am so happy that we are at home worldwide today,” she said.
The concert, which lasted six hours, could be followed via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, among others. The last two hours were broadcast on several American television stations.
Over the next few days, dozens of television channels from around the world will broadcast all or part of the – One World Together At Home – online concert.