Britney Spears’ Ex-husband mixes things up: We were forced to end marriage

Although Britney Spears (39) was only officially married for 55 hours to her childhood sweetheart Jason Alexander (38), that doesn’t stop her ex-husband from standing up for her. Alexander was previously a notable presence at the ‘Free Britney’ protests in Los Angeles and is now also taking a defensive position. He states that he and Britney actually did not want a divorce at all, but father Jamie and his team ordered it.

Quick flashback: Britney and Jason married and divorced in January 2004, after a typical crazy weekend in Las Vegas. Although the two had known each other for years, they seemed to wake up just hours later with a literal and proverbial hangover, and the wedding was canceled – after exactly 55 hours. “It was just crazy, man,” Jason told the Daily Mail. “We just looked at each other and said, ‘Let’s do something wild and crazy. Let’s get married just for fun.’”

Britney Spears’ Ex-husband mixes things up: We were forced to end marriage

In a rented green limousine, Spears and Alexander headed to the so-called ‘A Little White Wedding Chapel’, known for its constant flash weddings. They made their vows and then “cash in” their marriage in the backseat of that rented limo. But according to Jason Alexander, “loud alarm bells” immediately went off for him because Britney’s family was not satisfied with the wedding. According to him, he and Britney were immediately forced to end the marriage again.

Under duress’

‘Men in black suits came in, along with her mother and other relatives, and they forced us to sign paperwork to end our marriage,’ Jason said. “We didn’t want to cancel the wedding. They lied to us. It’s always been about controlling Britney and controlling her money.”

Also on the podcast Toxic: The Britney Spears Story, Jason said: They told me that if I signed that annulment, they would let me and Britney continue our relationship. And if we still felt the same after six months, they would give us a real marriage, he said. “I had no reason to believe otherwise, I thought that was the truth. They still let Britney and I talk on the phone, so we spoke every day, and I believed the story I was being told.”

The reality, however, was different: Alexander says that Spears’ phone number suddenly stopped working. “Literally overnight, I remember trying to call the number and could only hear ‘Beep, beep, beep’. Then I was like, ‘F*ck, they got me! Asshole! So, that was it.”

Spears has been under the supervision of her father Jamie, both financially and personally, since her mental breakdown in 2008, something the singer now wants to get rid of. Although the Los Angeles court has decided to leave the supervision in the hands of Jamie for the time being, her ex-husband never agreed. “She really wants to take control of her own life again. And she deserves it. She’s been locked up long enough.”

Daily Mail
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