Dana Winner prepares for 7,000 South African fans [Video]

These are busy times for Dana Winner. After six sold-out Christmas concerts she flew to South Africa this weekend, where she was a guest at a special Christmas show for no less than 7,000 people. To keep the home front up to date, Dana decided to keep up with her South African adventure in a video blog. Today part 1: the trip to South Africa.
The Limburg singer was quite nervous for the performance, as she had a voice problem last night (due to a cold). “After the gig in Beveren last week, I had no voice for literally five days,” says Dana. “Not being able to sing was not an option, because there were two concerts on the agenda in Oudenbosch, the Netherlands and in my native village Kermt”.
After the last performance Friday night, she left for South Africa on Saturday morning, her ‘away from home’. Dana has been under control for 20 years. “This time, however, it is a flash visit because we land at 7 o’clock in the morning and there is already a sound check in Sun Arena scheduled at 9 o’clock”, Dana let us know before her departure.
Next year, Dana Winner will be on the stage for 30 years and she will celebrate that with a concert on Saturday, November 9, 2019 in the Lotto Arena. South Africa will therefore already be a good preparation.